Office Procedures
We are grateful for your patience and flexibility during the pandemic. Making those provisions helped to keep clients, therapists and staff healthy, both physically and mentally, which has been our main goal. As staff and clients continue to get vaccinated, and in following the local health departments and CDC guidelines, we are committed to gradually increasing our office services, while keeping everyone as healthy as possible.
To keep everyone as healthy as possible, we ask that you please follow our Covid procedures:
Face Masks: All clients and staff will be asked to wear face masks while in our facilities. Please bring your face mask with you to your appointment.
Social Distancing: Seating in our waiting rooms and therapists’ offices is spaced for social distancing, and six-foot markers on the floors designate spacing for forming a line at the reception window.
Cleaning: Therapists will clean their offices and wash their hands after every appointment; we will sanitize high-touch areas regularly; we will provide hand-sanitizer stations throughout the agency; and all magazines and toys have been removed from the waiting rooms. Therapists will be responsible for opening and closing their office doors during appointments.
Before Appointments: Clients will be asked three questions when making an appointment and again when they receive their reminder call and when they arrive for their in-office session. We ask that, if possible, clients please call our office in advance if they are not feeling well, and we can reschedule.
One-person Policy: We ask clients to come to their appointment alone, unless they are accompanying a minor or if assistance with one caregiver is needed. Accompanying individuals who have not been vaccinated, will be asked to wear a face mask.
Telehealth Counseling by phone or through the HIPAA-compliant video platform, Zoom, will continue to be offered to our existing and new clients. Zoom can be accessed on computers, smart phones, and tablets.
Please call the intake specialist between 9 a.m.-5 p.m., M-F, at your office to schedule an appointment and at that time, let the intake specialist know if you would prefer counseling at the office or by Telehealth (Zoom or phone). You may also use the online form below to request an appointment.
Our psychiatry services are offered through Telehealth. For questions or to make an appointment, please call our office at 314.544.3800.
COVID-19 Resources
Child, Parent, Family Resources:
#WaterYouThinking Washing Hands and Feeling Grateful-Hopeful-Joyful
Managing Stress and Anxiety During COVID-19
Helping Kids Cope During COVID-19
Helping Kids Deal with Anxiety
How to Talk To Your Kids about Coronavirus
Coronavirus Handout for Children
Coping During COVID-19 Resources for Parents
Self-Care Worksheet
Self-Care Plan
Family mindfulness schedule
Calming Tools for Anxiety
Community Resources:
Food and Other Resources by County
St. Louis Coronavirus Information
St. Louis Regional Food Sites
SLPS Pandemic Meal Plan Flyer Update
Drive-thru Emergency Diapers
Coronavirus Partner Toolkit
Resources for Seniors
Nationwide Resources
Gateway Resilience Fund
Faith Resources
Catholic Current
Ignatian Solidarity Network
Request an Appointment
Call 314-544-3800 or complete the form below, and we will contact you to schedule an appointment.
In case of an emergency, call the Life Crisis Hotline: 314-647-HELP (4357) or 911,
or to go to the nearest emergency room.