School Partnership Program (SPP)

It’s not just what happens in our offices that makes a difference — we are in schools and classrooms, too! For more than 25 years, Saint Louis Counseling’s School Partnership Program (SPP) therapists have assisted students from kindergarten through 12th grade who attend parochial, private and public schools. Our program is based on the philosophy that the school, family, and community are partners in educating our children, strengthening families and building stronger, safer communities.

Administrators and Educators,

If you are an educator, be sure to check out our Teacher web page that provides strategies to help teachers with the ever-changing post-COVID classroom.

0+ Schools
Use the School Partnership Program
0 students
served annually in our program!

Let’s Set Up a Meeting!

We can meet with you at your school. Please submit your information in the form below, and we will contact you soon to schedule a meeting. You may also call Saundra Barker, Director of the School Partnership Program, at 314.748.5646.

Thank you for your interest in the Saint Louis Counseling School Partnership Program.

Download our brochure for more information on the School Partnership Program and other services.